
Monday, 02/10/2023 08:54

Drama shows target young people

INNOVATIVE ART - Young artists of IDECAF Drama Troupe offer shows with new concepts and techniques in drama. Photo courtesy of the theatre. 

HCM CITY — IDECAF Drama Troupe of HCM City has launched its new art programme to offer shows on Vietnamese history and culture aimed at young audiences. 

The troupe will stage a series of drama and musical shows featuring historical events, including Tả Quân Lê Văn Duyệt (General Lê Văn Duyệt), Trần Thủ Độ-Anh Hùng và Gian Hùng (The Hero) and Nữ Đại Đế Mê Linh (The Queen). 

These plays highlight patriotism and loyalty and will be directed by talented artists Hoàng Duẩn, Lê Chí Trung and Vũ Minh.  

They combine drama, music and cải lương (reformed opera), a traditional form of Vietnamese theatre which began 100 years ago in the South. 

The drama Tả Quân Lê Văn Duyệt depicts the life of General Lê Văn Duyệt, who was the Governor of Gia Định Citadel (later Sài Gòn and now HCM City) in the 19th century. 

The cải lương show Nữ Đại Đế Mê Linh (The Queen) features the lives of Trưng Trắc and her younger sister, Trưng Nhị who led the country’s first resistance movement against Chinese occupiers in the first century, around 2,000 years ago.

Trần Thủ Độ-Anh Hùng và Gian Hùng is a musical production of historical events dating back more than 800 years. Love and betrayal are among the themes of the show. 

The three works are scheduled to be staged in November and December. 

FUN FOR KIDS - The HCM City-based IDECAF Drama Troupe is launching a new programme aimed to introduce Vietnamese theatre to young people. Photo courtesy of the theatre. 

“Through our programme, we want to provide audiences with quality shows on Vietnamese history,” said the theatre’s founder and art director Huỳnh Anh Tuấn. “New concepts and techniques in drama will be offered to meet the tastes of young people.” 

Tuấn decided to spend a large sum on costumes, and light and sound effects. Songs and music pieces based on Vietnamese folk music were composed to highlight the themes of the shows. 

“We will highlight the beauty of Vietnamese culture, theatre and lifestyle through our shows,” said Tuấn, who has more than 30 years in the industry.

IDECAF Drama Troupe is one of the region’s leading private theatres. It features 30 professional artists, along with backstage workers. 

It offers many experimental shows in drama, musical, cải lương (reformed opera) and hát bội (central drama), two genres of traditional theatre in southern and central regions.  

The theatre’s new shows are being staged at Thanh Niên Theatre, 4 Phạm Ngọc Thạch Street, District 1.— VNS

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