
Sunday, 06/08/2023 15:52

Vietnamese wins “Best support actress” at AIFFA 2023


Director Aron Toronto (second from right) and screenwriter Nhã Uyên (first from right) receive the award on behalf of Kim B. Photo courtesy of AIFFA

HÀ NỘI Vietnamese actress Kim B of Đêm Tối Rực Rỡ (The Brilliant Darkness) won the title "Best support actress” at the ASEAN International Films Festival & Awards (AIFFA 2023) that took place from August 2-4 in Kuching Island, Malaysia.

Kim B, born in 1989 in Biên Hòa City, the southern province of Đồng Nai province, was a makeup artist before taking to the stage.

She has participated in makeup in famous film projects including Kong: Skull Island by director Jordan Roberts. Kim B's role as Kim Bảo in Brilliant Night is her first role in a film. 

The film focuses on domestic abuse, telling the story of the funeral of a grandfather whose family members believe they have been left a fortune. His children soon discover that their father lost a fortune gambling and the mafia is coming to collect the debt. They must pay by sunrise or else there will be another funeral.

AIFFA 2023‘s “Best Film” award was given to Barbarian Invasion by female director Chui Mun Tan from Malaysia. Previously, it won the Jury Grand Prix in the 24th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Awards in 2021.

AIFFA 2023 also presented the "ASEAN Inspiration" award to movie and music star Bi Rain from the Republic of Korea.

Up to 120 films from filmmakers across countries in the region were sent to the AIFFA 2023. The jury had to select 34 films for an official competition round.

Actress and director Hồng Ánh is the only Vietnamese representative on the jury at the festival together with other members including U-Wei Bin Haji Saari from Malaysia, Ihsan Nurullah Kabil from Turkey, Viva Westi from Indonesia, and Effendee Mazlan from Malaysia.

Two Vietnamese movies, namely Memento Mori: Đất (Memento: Earth) and The Brilliant Darkness, have been nominated in four categories of the AIFFA 2023.

Nguyễn Hải Yến and Trần Ngọc Khuyên of Memento Mori: Đất received nominations as best actress and best director of cinematography while Nhã Uyên and Kim B of The Brilliant Darkness were nominated for best screenplay and best support actress. VNS

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