
Thursday, 30/05/2024 08:54

Mekong Delta Marathon presents new courses, cultural activities for runners


The fifth International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon will be held in Hậu Giang Province and will host around 10,000 runners. — Photo courtesy of Nexus Sport Events

HẬU GIANG — As many as 10,000 runners will flock to Hậu Giang Province to take part in the 2024 International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon on July 6 and 7.

Participants will not only enjoy the impressive route, but will also experience the beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine of the southern provinces during the two-day competition, which will also include plenty of sideline activities.

Local and international athletes will run four different routes of 5km, 10km, 21km and 42km under the theme of 'Shine together', going through Vị Thanh City landmarks like Xáng Xà No Canal, Chiến Thắng Park, Hòa Bình Square and endless fields of pineapples.

"This year, the running courses are designed differently. The non-looped courses, recognised by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS), are expected to enhance athletes' experience. Athletes may use their results here to register for other major world marathons," said Nguyễn Tử Anh, director of Nexus Sport Events, the tournament organiser.

In addition to big bonuses given to high-ranking runners, the organisers will present a special prize to the female runner with the best result in the full marathon category. She will receive a ticket to take part in one of six World Marathon Majors next year.

Medals for the finishers of the fifth International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon. — Photo courtesy of Nexus Sport Events

Last year, former SEA Games champion Hoàng Nguyên Thanh won the marathon. He chose to run at the Berlin Marathon this September.

“The International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon is both a playground, a motivation and a source of inspiration for all classes of people of all ages from urban to rural areas to participate in running," said Trương Cảnh Tuyên, head of the organising committee and permanent deputy chairman of the Hậu Giang People's Committee.

"This is a very respectable and proud programme that needs to be promoted in the weeks to come."

He added that marathon is not only a sports activity but also a chance for the province to show off its vibrant strength, beauty and prosperity to Vietnamese people and foreign friends alike.

After running, athletes will have chances to participate in other cultural and tourism activities such as a tree planting festival, an exhibition of Hậu Giang's artifacts and photographs showing the area's culture, sports and tourism, along with a book fair and a fair featuring local products and cuisine as well as tours to discover Hậu Giang.

The Mekong Delta Marathon was the first running event organised in the region. The tournament has received strong support from the local authority and amateur and elite runners.

The number of participants has risen from 4,000 at the first-ever marathon in 2019 to more than 9,000 in the fourth one last year, with nearly 10,000 expected next month. — VNS

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