
Saturday, 11/05/2024 18:14

National rowing and canoeing championship for outstanding rowers begins in Đà Nẵng

Athletes compete in the men's canoe single 200m. — VNA/VNS Photo Trần Lê Lâm

ĐÀ NẴNG — The opening ceremony of the 2024 National Rowing and Canoeing Championship for Outstanding Rowers took place on Saturday at Đồng Nghệ Lake in Đà Nẵng City.

This event attracted the participation of more than 440 male and female athletes from 40 teams representing provinces and cities nationwide, competing in various categories of rowing and canoeing.

During the opening ceremony, Trần Công Tự, director of Đà Nẵng Sports Centre and deputy head of the event’s organising committee, highlighted the significant achievements of Vietnamese boat racing in recent years.

He attributed these successes to the unwavering efforts and hard work of the athletes and coaches. Notably, Nguyễn Thị Hương and Phạm Thị Huệ earned tickets to participate in the Paris Olympics this year in France following their outstanding performances at the 2024 Canoeing Sprint Asian Championships held in Japan.

Tự emphasised that this year's tournament was meticulously prepared, with a focus on providing excellent facilities and professional equipment. The event aimed to deliver exciting and intense performances for the audience, while also enabling athletes to enhance their skills and gain valuable experience. Additionally, the championship served as an opportunity to evaluate the training and coaching efforts of teams from across the country.

Prior to the opening ceremony, athletes competed in canoeing events. The teams from Hải Phòng and Vĩnh Phúc temporarily topped the medal tally with six gold medals. Đà Nẵng followed closely with four gold medals, and HCM City claimed three gold medals.

Following the opening ceremony, the athletes continued to compete in both canoeing and rowing events.

The championship, jointly organised by the Việt Nam Boat Racing Federation and the Đà Nẵng Municipal Department of Culture and Sports, will run until May 19. VNS

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