
Friday, 08/09/2023 12:05

Nature's getaway: popular and picturesque camping sites in Hà Nội

By Thanh Nga

Instead of opting for long-distance travel, many families and groups of young people, due to their busy lives, have chosen to camp on the outskirts of Hà Nội for short trips to unwind, relax, and enjoy themselves. Here are some recommendations for popular and picturesque camping sites in the city's suburban districts.

Tuy Lai Lake

Tuy Lai Lake is a diverse ecosystem comprising rivers, mountains, caves, and valleys. — Photo

Tuy Lai Lake is an ideal destination for visitors seeking to set up camping tents and enjoy barbecue with their friends or families over the weekend.

Located in Mỹ Đức District, approximately 45km from central Hà Nội, the lake is part of the sprawling Tuy Lai complex, which spans over 26sq.m and boasts a diverse ecosystem comprising rivers, mountains, limestone formations, caves, and valleys.

The landscape of Tuy Lai Lake extends from Thượng Xã Village, Thượng Lâm Commune to the foothills of Hàm Long Mountain. The scenery here retains its untamed beauty, providing a sense of serenity and tranquility. The juxtaposition of the mountains against the tranquil blue lake, with scattered rocks and islets dotting the water's surface, has earned it the reputation of being a miniature Hạ Long Bay of Hà Nội.

Visitors can bring their own tents and hold outdoor barbecues parties, or even opt for overnight stays. However, due to limited tourism development in the area, there are few services available near Tuy Lai Lake. Therefore, visitors are advised to bring their own supplies and food from home.

Red River Beach

Along the banks of the Red River, there are numerous camping spots to choose from. One notable location is in Vân Nam Commune, Phúc Thọ District, which is approximately 40km from the city centre.

This area boasts a spacious and level grasslands where visitors can set up their camping gear and relish breathtaking views of the sunset and sunrise over the Red River. The sight of herds of buffaloes and cows leisurely grazing adds to the ambiance of a peaceful village. Additionally, visitors can engage in activities such as fishing, swimming in the river, and even lighting campfires to enhance their camping experience.

Accessing this site is relatively easy. Since it is a completely natural area, there are no services available on-site. Visitors should come prepared with their own supplies.

Due to its proximity to Hà Nội, visitors have the flexibility to make day trips or camp overnight on weekends at Bù Hill. — Photo

Bù Hill

Bù Hill is situated on the border between Chương Mỹ District, Hà Nội, and Lương Sơn District, Hòa Bình Province, approximately 40km from central Hà Nội.

The hill is renowned for its reed grass fields, particularly noticeable around October. During the summer, it serves as an ideal camping destination, offering cool and fresh air.

Due to its proximity to Hà Nội, visitors have the flexibility to make day trips or camp overnight on weekends. The best time to witness the beauty of the reed fields is early morning or during sunset on clear sunny days. At these times, the entire area transforms into a mesmerizing orange-pink hue under the sunlight.

At Bù Hill, visitors can also partake in paragliding. Launching from an altitude of 655m, you can glide through the sky while enjoying panoramic views of the sprawling hills and mountains. The service provider at Bù Hill holds a licence from the Ministry of National Defence, ensuring regular equipment checks and prioritising safety before and during takeoff. By following the instructions of the experienced pilots, you can fully enjoy this exhilarating experience with complete peace of mind.

When planning a picnic at the hill, it is advisable to bring a tent, food, drinks, mosquito repellent, and a jacket. While camping at the paragliding take-off area is possible, it is worth noting that these spots can be windy, so it is recommended to check the weather conditions beforehand.

A visitor partakes in paragliding at Bù Hill. — Photo

Camping Sport Đồng Mô

Camping Sport Đồng Mô is a newly established camping area located approximately 40km from Hà Nội, within the Đồng Mô tourist area in Sơn Tây Town.

Upon arrival, you will be captivated by the vibrant greenery that surrounds you -- lush trees, blooming flowers, and a clear blue sky mirrored by the gently rippling lake waters. As you lift your gaze towards the sky, you can spread your arms wide and take a deep breath, immersing yourself in the invigorating freshness that fills your lungs. The sounds you hear are not the typical noises of cars, motorbikes, or construction; instead, they are the rustling of leaves, the whisper of the wind, the cheerful chirping of birds, and the shared laughter of fellow campers.

The expanse of green grass and spacious grounds provide ample space for setting up tents freely. At Camping Sport Đồng Mô, you need not worry about bringing cumbersome outdoor equipment, as you have the option to rent everything you need at a reasonable cost.

At Camping Spot Đồng Mô, you need not worry about bringing cumbersome outdoor equipment, as you have the option to rent everything you need at a reasonable cost. — Photo

Quan Sơn Lake

Quan Sơn Lake is located approximately 50km southwest of Hà Nội's city centre in the suburban district of Mỹ Đức. Often referred to as a "green gemstone", this lake offers a perfect weekend retreat for nature lovers.

Encompassing an area of around 850ha across five communes in Mỹ Đức, Quan Sơn Lake boasts a captivating landscape that combines the elements of sky, water, and towering limestone mountains. It features 100 limestone mountains scattered across its surface.

In addition to its natural beauty, Quan Sơn Lake holds cultural and lifestyle significance within the Northern Delta region. The authentic charm of Vietnamese villages is reflected in the scenery along the riverbanks, fields, and tranquil houses. These qualities make it an appealing destination for both locals and tourists, particularly during weekends.

Quan Sơn Lake offers a perfect weekend retreat for nature lovers. — Photo

Camping is a highly popular activity at Quan Sơn Lake, often hailed as a paradise for picnics. The breathtaking scenery, tranquil ambiance, and cool air create an ideal setting for a trip. Visitors can set up tents by the lake and organize small barbecue parties.

It's important to note that when camping at Quan Sơn Lake, you need to bring your own tent and necessary equipment. The surrounding area is relatively deserted, with limited options for tent rentals or food vendors. To ensure a comfortable overnight stay, prioritize essentials such as tents, sleeping bags, and insect repellent. 

Fishing is also a popular activity at the lake. Fishing tickets typically range from VNĐ200,000 to VNĐ300,000 per person, and purchasing a fishing ticket usually includes free admission. After enjoying a relaxing time by the fishing rod amidst the beautiful natural scenery, you can savour your catch at a BBQ party. VNS

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