
  • Ha Noi 16oC
  • Da Nang 24oC
  • Ho Chi Minh 31oC

Da Lat to print comprehensive map of tourist attractions

A tourist map of Da Lat that will provide detailed information about tourist attractions is being created to serve visitors to the Lam Dong culture-festival week later this year.

A tourist map of Da Lat that will provide detailed information about tourist attractions is being created to serve visitors to the Lam Dong culture-festival week later this year.

The map, which will also show tour routes, popular tourism products, and certified accommodation and restaurants, will be handed out free to tourists and travel businesses.

Da Lat will host the culture week that will feature major events like the fifth Da Lat flower festival, the first Viet Nam-ASEAN UNESCO heritage festival, and the city's 120th anniversary.

A Culture, Tourism and Trade Exchange Week took place in Da Lat from December 30 last year to January 5 with a trade fair, a cuisine festival, an exhibition on Da Lat's history and an arts and cultural exchange programme with HCM City. — VNS

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