
  • Ha Noi 12oC
  • Da Nang 23oC
  • Ho Chi Minh 26oC

Documentary follows quirky band

A documentary entitled Ha Noi Eclipse: The Music of Dai Lam Linh will be screened at the Goethe Institute in Ha Noi on Friday.

HA NOI — A documentary entitled Ha Noi Eclipse: The Music of Dai Lam Linh will be screened at the Goethe Institute in Ha Noi on Friday.

Ha Noi Eclipse follows the challenges faced by the controversial Vietnamese band Dai Lam Linh. It shows how the group came together to create a unique form of popular music, which is international in outlook but grounded in Vietnamese tradition.

Dai Lam Linh was established by male composer Dai, an ex-soldier, and two female singers, Lam and Linh. The film explores how he overcame the trauma of war by writing songs to honour the memory of the dead.

It also shows how the two singers embarked on an inner journey to find their voices, described as extraordinary.

The screening in Vietnamese and French with English subtitles will start at 6.30pm.

Director Barley Norton, a senior lecturer in music at Goldsmiths, University of London, will attend. He is the author of the book Songs for the Spirits: Music and Mediums in Modern Viet Nam. — VNS

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