
  • Ha Noi 13oC
  • Da Nang 22oC
  • Ho Chi Minh 29oC

Liem set for Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival

Vietnamese top chess player Le Quang Liem will compete in the prestigious Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival which takes place in England on January 21-31.

Vietnamese top chess player Le Quang Liem will compete in the prestigious Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival which takes place in England on January 21-31.

More big names have joined this event such as Ukrainian Grandmaster Vassily Ivanchuk who is currently ranked No 11 in the world; Gata Kamsky of the US who has an Elo (the measurement used to compare players' abilities) rating of 2755; Radoslaw Wojtaszek of Poland, Elo 2733; Mickey Adams of England, Elo 2720); and Alexei Shirov of Lativa, Elo 2718.

The two-time Aeroflot Open champion Liem has an ELo rating of 2705, meaning spectators can expect a closely-fought contest between these master tacticians.

The event will help Liem prepare for other major international chess tournaments as he aims to make his mark on 2013.-VNS

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