
Friday, 07/08/2020 15:51

Art club members promote ceramic art through new exhibit

The sculpture Xích Đu Tiên (Magic Love) by Đinh Văn Sơn at an exhibition featuring 120 sculptures by 26 artists of the Sài Gòn Club of Ceramic Art at the HCM City Fine Arts Association. Photo courtesy of the association

HCM CITY — A sculpture exhibition featuring ceramic works by 26 artists of the Sài Gòn Club of Ceramic Art is on display at the HCM City Fine Arts Association.

The event at 218 Pasteur Street in District 3, displays 120 sculptures in various styles and topics, including themes of social and environmental issues. 

Highlighted works by veteran sculptors, such as Đinh Văn Sơn and Nguyễn Quang Hoàng, tell the stories of women and their challenges in daily life. 

“All artists at the event have held successful exhibitions in Việt Nam. Each work represents the artist’s love for ceramic art,” said sculptor Nguyễn Xuân Tiên, chairman of the association, at the showcase’s opening session on Thursday. 

“Viewers will gain new passion and experience after seeing them,” said professor and Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Tiên, former deputy principal at the HCM City University of Fine Arts. 

“I spent several months working on Xích Đu Tiên (Magic Love), a ceramic sculpture that portrays a mother who holds her little daughter in her arms,” said sculptor Đinh Văn Sơn of HCM City, who has more than 10 years of experience in the art. 

“Ceramic material is hard to sculpt. Working with it is different from other materials such as wood, bronze and stone. We often spend three months or more to complete a ceramic sculpture.”

“We hope to promote our art to the public through this exhibition,” he said.

Sơn said he loves using traditional techniques. His works depict urban life as well as beautiful images of women and children. 

For Nguyễn Quang Hoàng, his view of life is the inspiration for his sculptures. His works depict busy urban life as well as the inner life of people.

Hoàng used traditional techniques in making Biên Hòa ceramics.

Hoàng, a lecturer at the Đồng Nai Decorative Arts College, said: “I’m strict with my works. I focus on the balance of yin and yang, earth and fire, and enamel colours to create visual effects for my works.”  

The event will close at the weekend. — VNS

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