- EQS - 31 January 2019 - Digital China Holdings
Limited (the "Company", together
with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; Stock Code: 00861.HK) has announced its
performance forecast tonight that, based on its preliminary review of the
relevant unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group, it is
expected to record a profit attributable to equity holders of the Company in
the range of approximately HK$100 million to HK$200 million for the year ended
31 December 2018.
Based on the relevant information currently
available to the Company, the Board considers that the expected turnaround from
loss to profit of the Group was mainly due to the improvement of the overall
performance of the Group's business operation and the increase in cost
effectiveness, especially of the Sm@rt Logistics business and Sm@rt City
business; and the net gains from certain non-recurring items.