
Friday, 20/10/2023 09:15

Art programme dedicated to Đồng Lộc T-junction volunteers

HÀ NỘI — The Việt Nam Women's Museum has launched a special art programme themed "Legends of Youth" to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Đồng Lộc Victory and commemorate ten female volunteers who sacrificed their lives for the historical victory. 

Vietnamese Women’s Museum and playwright and director Lê Quý Dương recreates Đồng Lộc T-Junction using visual technology and 3D effects. — Photo courtesy of Vietnamese Women’s Museum

The programme also celebrates the 93rd anniversary of the establishment of Việt Nam Women's Union and Vietnamese Women's Day on October 20. 

During the anti-American resistance war, from 1965 to 1968, the US dropped nearly 50,000 bombs and fired tens of thousands of missiles on the Đồng Lộc T-junction  the important T-junction of the Hồ Chí Minh Trail connecting the North with the southern front.

At that time, in order to keep traffic flowing, all human resources were mobilised to clear the road to ensure the safe operation of the transport route sending supplies to the southern front. 

On July 24, 1968, ten young female volunteers, aged from 17 to 24, maintained the vital traffic route at Đồng Lộc, but lost their lives in a US’s bomb raid. 

By theatricalising their story, the programme conveys a message about the gratitude of today's generation for those who have fallen for their country and also about hope for the future.

"Legends of Youth" is a collaborating between the Việt Nam Women’s Museum and playwright and director Lê Quý Dương with the purpose of recreating the image of the female hero squad and honouring their sacrifice. 

Nguyễn Thị Tuyết, the museum director, said: "The highlight of the programme is recreating the historical story of heroic Vietnamese girls, exuding youth and courageous spirit. 

“The battle will take place in the museum space, where many memorabilia and images of heroic Vietnamese women on the front lines of the battlefield are displayed.”

The 60-minute performance recreates a fierce battlefield, using visual technology, 3D effects with bomb craters, A-shaped bunkers, artillery battlefields and the backgrounds of convoys carrying goods and troops to battle.

Five tonnes of real soil were specially transferred from Đồng Lộc Junction to the museum stage. 

The actresses in the show are from 18 to 24 years old and are from the central provinces of Nghệ An and Hà Tĩnh, making them the same age and from the same place as the martyrs. 

"We want our audience to experience the most genuine and profound emotions while immersing themselves in the atmosphere of Đồng Lộc Junction's battlefield,” director Dương said. 

“The audience also has the opportunity to experience and interact directly with actors during the performance.” 

The museum intends to introduce the programme to domestic and international audiences, and visitors in the future.

“We hope that Vietnamese Women's Museum continues to be a destination that offers numerous engaging experiential activities for the public,” Tuyết added.

The first performance of "Legends of Youth" takes place at 8.00pm today at the Vietnamese Women's Museum, 36 Lý Thường Kiệt Street, Hoàn Kiếm District, Hà Nội. — VNS

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