
Thursday, 17/08/2023 18:08

Golfers to swing for poor students with excellent learning results

Students receive sponsorship from the Swing for the Kids tournament organisers on August 16 in Hà Nội. The 16th event will be held on October 21. Photo of VIR

HÀ NỘI —The 16th Swing for the Kids, a charity golf tournament, will be organised on October 21 at the BRG Kings Island Golf Resort in Đồng Mô, Sơn Tây Town, suburb of Hà Nội.

The tournament is held annually by the Vietnam Investment Review (VIR) in collaboration with BRG Group and SeaBank with the support of many other sponsors.

Competing at two courses, Mountain View and Lakeside, golfers will vie for main prizes for the overall champion and group winners, along with awards to those who make the longest drive, are nearest the pin, or shoot a hole-in-one.

Organisers will also hold an auction of a precious watch sponsored by Đăng Quang Watch during the tournament. All cash collected from the competition's activities will be converted into scholarships for poor students who have excelled academically.

At the launching ceremony on August 16, 10 scholarships worth between $208 and $417 were given to students from three universities and academies, who had outstanding results in the past school year.

Over the past 15 years, Swing for the Kids has collected more than VNĐ20 billion ($834,000) to helping more than 20,000 students and improving schools in 40 cities and provinces nationwide.

Speaking at the ceremony, VIR editor-in-chief and head of organising board Lê Trọng Minh praised the accompany of enterprises and businesses as well as golfers who contributed to help students in need. He believed that these strong support would push these students to get better results in studying. VNS

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