
Tuesday, 17/09/2024 15:56

Digital library on southern region comes to HCM City Book Street

The Nguyễn An Ninh Digital Library specialising in southern documents set up an exhibition booth showcasing several publications on the region at the HCM City Book Street in District 1. VNA/VNS Photo Thu Hoài

HCM CITY — The Nguyễn An Ninh Digital Library specialising in southern documents has set up an exhibition booth on HCM City Book Street in District 1.

The booth displays books, documents and research works by the region’s leading cultural experts.

They include Nguyễn Đình Tư’s two-volume book titled Gia Định – Sài Gòn – Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh: Dặm Dài Lịch Sử (1698-2020) (Gia Định – Sài Gòn – HCM City: A Mile of History), and Huỳnh Ngọc Trảng’s three-volume book Văn Học Dân Gian Nam Bộ (Southern Folk Literature).

Quách Thu Nguyệt, who is in charge of the library, said the launch of the booth at the book street aims to offer information on the history, culture, literature and other arts, and people of the southern region over 300 years of development to local and international visitors, particularly young people.

It is also showcasing a collection of rare books such as the 1925 novel Nhơn Tình Ấm Lạnh (Blowing Hot and Cold) by Hồ Biểu Chánh (1885-1958), one of Viet Nam’s first modern authors, and Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long hay là văn minh Miệt Vườn (The Mekong Delta), a 1970 collection of memoirs by Sơn Nam who is considered “a living dictionary on the southern land.”

The collection of rare books is on display at the booth until September 23.

The digital library was launched in October 2023 with thousands of books, documents and others on the region’s history, culture, people, literature and arts.

It is available online at — VNS

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