
Thursday, 15/07/2010 09:25

Japan opens its doors to young animation artists

HA NOI — Young animation artists from around the world have the opportunity to travel to Tokyo to create new films while working directly with Japan's animation culture.

Organised by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Japan Image Council, the project is an artist-in-residence progr-amme that aims to give three outstanding young animation artists the opportunity to gain a better understanding of Japanese culture.

Participants will engage in a variety of activities including visits to animation studios and seminars at visual arts schools.

From January to March, 2011, the selected participants will work on new projects with periodic assistance and instruction from experienced Japanese animators. They will present their finished work or piece-in-progress at the end of their stay.

Participants who do not finish their piece by the time they leave Tokyo must submit a DVD of their finished product by August 2011.

Artists between the age of 20-35 who are not Japanese may apply. They must have shown at least one animated work at an international film festival that included films from outside their own country.

They must also be conversant in English or Japanese.

Travel expenses and insurance, a living allowance, housing, and a material stipend will be provided.

Computers and cameras needed to create the works for the programme as a general rule will need to be brought by the participants.

Documents describing the work to be created should be included in the application. Applicants should submit detailed documents (storyboard and script) of their project idea.

Applications forms and all required elements should be submitted by September 10 to the Japan Image Council. The address and more details can be found at — VNS

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