
Monday, 29/04/2024 07:56

Việt Nam to promote local tourism

International arrivals to Việt Nam in the first quarter of 2024 reached over 4.6 million, an increase of 72 per cent compared to the same period in 2023. - VNA Photo

HCM CITY - Localities are encouraged to carry out the "Vietnamese People traveling in Việt Nam - Việt Nam I Love” programme with an aim to boost the growth of tourism in the upcoming time.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has outlined and proposed that localities implement the domestic tourism stimulus programme to kick off the holiday period of April 30 - May 1 and the summer tourism season of 2024.

The programme will focus on specific contents, introduce new travel programmes, and offer quality service packages to enhance the tourist experience, diversify products and improve service quality.

The city's Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Tourism Promotion Centre and other relevant authorities will promote tourism and ensure a safe, friendly and high-quality tourism environment.

It is crucial for localities to gather information about the operating hours of tourist areas, attractions, tourism products and services to attract tourists upcoming holidays. 

Additionally, relevant authorities are required to establish regulations and guidelines to ensure security, safety, and cleanliness for tourism activities, tourists, workers and local residents.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism recommends that tourism management agencies and local authorities regularly inspect and monitor the quality of tourism services.

The domestic tourism stimulus programme is in line with the government's directive for comprehensive, rapid, and sustainable tourism development with the motto of "Outstanding Products - Professional Services - Convenient and Simple Procedures - Competitive Prices - Clean and Beautiful Environmental - Safe, Civilised, and Friendly Destinations."

According to statistics for the first quarter of 2024, international arrivals to Việt Nam reached over 4.6 million, an increase of 72 per cent compared to the same period in 2023.

Domestic tourist arrivals are estimated at 30 million, up 9.1 per cent.

Among them, same-day visitors reached 17.1 million, 1.4 times higher than the same period in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overnight visitors reached 12.9 million.

These results demonstrate the clear effectiveness of favourable visa policies, tourism stimulus programmes, as well as the efforts of localities and tourism businesses. VNS

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