
Wednesday, 15/05/2024 21:06

Việt Nam win poomsae gold at Asian Taekwondo Championship

Châu Tuyết Vân, Liên Thị Tuyết Mai and Nguyễn Thị Lệ Kim (from left to righ) top the podium of the 2024 Asian Taekwondo Championship's women's team T30 recognised poomsae category. Photo of Taekwondo Vietnam

 ĐÀ NẴNG  Việt Nam won a gold in the last day of the 2024 Asian Taekwondo Championship's poomsae (performance) discipline on May 15 in Đà Nẵng.

The host martial artists -- Châu Tuyết Vân, Nguyễn Thị Lệ Kim and Liên Thị Tuyết Mai -- persuaded judges in the women's team T30 recognised poomsae, beating Indian rivals in the final match.

It was a big jump of Vietnamese performers as they only took bronze in the previous event in 2022.

Their teammates also secured silver in the men's team T30 recognised poomsae by Nguyễn Đình Toàn, Nguyễn Văn Trường and Vũ Thành Dương; and three bronzes in the mixed pair U30 and T30 recognised poomsae, women's team U30 recognised poomsae, and mixed team over-17 recognised poomsae.

After two days, Vietnamese athletes secured one gold, one silver and nine bronzes.

The championship will continue with kyorugi (combat) matches on May 16-18 at the Tiên Sơn Sports Complex. VNS

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