
Thursday, 05/07/2018 09:44

Heritage Space hosts music night Our Youth+

Good old days: The music night Our Youth+ will feature songs by famous songwriters Thanh Tung and Trinh Cong Son.
Viet Nam News

HA NOI — Heritage Space will host a night of music featuring songs by two Vietnamese famous songwriters Thanh Tung and Trinh Cong Son on Sunday, July 8.

Entitled Our Youth+, the concert will be presented by singer Mai Trang, Phuong Mai, Viet Long, Van Ha and the band Tequila.

According to the organiser, the concert was inspired by the feeling that, before we know it, youth has passed us by. In the blink of an eye, everything turns into memories. How lucky it is that the songs, embedded with emotions and feelings, are still here, reminding people of the most beautiful time of their lives.

To many, the music they listened to when they were young follows them for the rest of their lives. Even to those who don’t spend much time on music, these melodies of youth still resound from within.

At the same time, to lend a helping hand to those affected by the horrendous recent floods in the mountainous northern region, Heritage Space will send 20 per cent of the profits from the music night to the Flood Prevention Fund by Nha Chong Lu project.

The entrance fee is VND200,000 or 300,000 depending on when you purchase tickets. The music night starts at 8pm. Heritage Space is located on the first floor of Dolphin Plaza at 28 Tran Binh Street, My Dinh 2. Hotline: 090 282 6769. — VNS

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